Back 2 School Special
Posted: August 12, 2019
It’s Back To School Season and at Bronx Jiu-Jitsu your child can acquire skills that will go beyond the classroom setting. Skills taught at our school include:
Posted: August 12, 2019
It’s Back To School Season and at Bronx Jiu-Jitsu your child can acquire skills that will go beyond the classroom setting. Skills taught at our school include:
Posted: August 05, 2019
Fostering a Positive Growth Mindset We all love to see our kids excel in everything they do. There is no doubt that when kids finally nail that sweep, or passes an opponent's guard and submits them; everyone involved shares a sense of accomplishment. BUT it is only a matter of time before our children come across something that challenges them. Before we go any further, let’s agree that challenges are good things! If you are never challenged then either you aren’t working hard enough, or you’re not growing. Both of those are opposite concepts in relation to martial arts. From rank to rank, everything gets harder because being a Martial Artist is about growth and being better than you were the day before.
Posted: August 01, 2019
Check out what's happening at Bronx Jiu-Jitsu during the month of August!
Special Announcements
Back 2 School Supply Drive - Collecting Items starting August 12th thru September 7th
Posted: July 29, 2019
Do you have a shy kid?
We at Bronx Jiu Jitsu feel that Martial Arts is a good combination of an individual sport and a team sport. When you’re on the mat training you’re working with other people. However when you actually apply what you’ve learned it becomes an individual sport. It’s a good combination of both worlds.
We see kids all the time that come in and we go to give them a high five or ask them what their name is and they will hide behind mom or dad. That’s when we know that they are shy.
Posted: July 22, 2019
Summertime Parenting Tips By now summer is in full swing and we hope that everyone is taking advantage of our summer training special here at Bronx Jiu-Jitsu! If you are looking for something to keep your child occupied this summer, that's FUN, where they can make friends and also learn self-defense; feel free to give us a call and ask about our Kids Martial Arts Program.